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Originally posted on May 31, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

If you’re on a mission to create a stylish farmhouse look, we would like to introduce you to Shayna Orrino, the creator of The Wood Grain Cottage. When she’s not sharing her DIY projects or inspiring us with her style, she’s actually working alongside her husband on their beautiful Colorado farm. Talk about authentic farmhouse style!

We first met Shayna last year when she reached out to collaborate on redecorating her breakfast nook. Her nook came out beautifully and made us all want to awaken the DIY diva inside of us all. When she reached out to us again this year wanting to work on another room in her home, we were thrilled! Scroll down to read an excerpt from her blog and learn about the furniture she used to refresh her living room.    


The Wood Grain Cottage

A Big Living Room Refresh

(Excerpt from orignial blog post on

If there was one room in our home that just felt… bleh… it was our living room. It just didn’t seem to be working for us, no matter what I tried, and there were so many different elements that needed addressed. We needed a big living room refresh to get the room back on track, and that’s just what we did with the help of American Furniture Warehouse!

This time around, I knew exactly what I wanted… a couch and two leather club style chairs. AFW had exactly what I was looking for, but at a price point that made us feel comfortable. We were lucky enough to partner with them to do this fun living room refresh that makes so much more sense for both our living room and us, and it’s all something we absolutely love! Welcome to our new living room…


The Wood Grain Cottage


The Wood Grain Cottage


The Wood Grain Cottage

Read more on The Wood Grain Cottage »


The Wood Grain Cottage