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AFW Giving Back

Under the direction of President and CEO Jake Jabs, American Furniture Warehouse has been actively involved with community giving for more than 40 years! At AFW, we believe in giving back—because we live here too.

AFW Giving Back to the Community

AFW in the Community

AFW is proud to sponsor community events to either eliminate or reduce the cost of admission as a way of thanking our customers. Here are a few events with which we have recently partnered:

Parade Of Lights AZ state fair Parade Of Homes - Denver National Western Stock Show Colorado State Fair
Fourth of July Events - We help to co-sponsor many events making them free to the public.

AFW Community Report

Learn more about the ways in which AFW gives back to our community with our community report:

AFW Corporate Giving and Sponsorship Program

AFW receives hundreds of donation and sponsorship requests each year and fulfilling every request is impossible. While we may not be able to sponsor your event,
we want to touch as many lives as possible and will frequently donate a gift card or item for auction.


Easter Seals of Colorado

Easter Seals of Colorado

Easter Seals has been helping individuals with disabilities and special needs, live better for nearly 100 years. From child development centers to physical rehabilitation and job training, Easter Seals offers a variety of services to help people with disabilities address life's challenges and achieve personal goals. With your assistance, AFW has been able to donate more than $2 million to local Easter Seals programs over the years. Jake Jabs has personally donated his time and resources to many Easter Seals programs, annually traveling to the Rocky Mountain Village Camp to sing with the kids there.  

Jake Jabs was the honoree of the 5 th annual Season of Lights Gala.

Check out the Easter Seals website here!

Easter Seals Video

Project C.U.R.E.

Project C.U.R.E.

Project C.U.R.E. is the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment around the world, reaching patients, families, and children in 130 countries. In April of 2005 AFW committed to match, dollar for dollar, up to $1 million to help build Project C.U.R.E.'s first permanent warehouse and international headquarters. As a result of their successful expansion, Forbes ranked Project C.U.R.E. as one of the "20 Most Efficient Large U.S. Charities."

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)

The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) offers compassionate care to all those grieving the death of a loved one serving in our Armed Forces. Since 1994, TAPS has provided comfort and hope 24 hours a day, seven days a week through a national peer support network and connection to grief resources, all at no cost to surviving families and loved ones. AFW has been a title sponsor of the TAPS Colorado Community Classic, a key fundraising event, since its inception in 2006.

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots

Each year we collect new, unwrapped toys throughout November and December on behalf of Toys for Tots. Toys for Tots then gives the toys to the less fortunate children in our community through their distribution centers. 

Raise the Future

Raise the Future

Raise the Future believes every child deserves a family... therefore, they are the connection between children who wait in foster care and families who adopt. They provide expertise and support before, during and after the adoption process.



AFW Giving Back with Time

Jake Jabs, President and CEO of AFW, has long been a favorite speaker among high schools, colleges and professional organizations. Over the years Jake has spoken to a number of different types of business classes ranging from marketing to entrepreneurial classes.

Giving his time to students and organizations has become a priority for Jake because he has been able to set aside more time for these speaking engagements. If you are interested in having Jake speak to your class or organization please contact us at



AFW Giving Back to Education

AFW has given to many schools and educational organizations over the years. Here are some of the projects that we are currently involved with right now.

Junior Achievement - Rocky Mountain, Inc.

Junior Achievement – Rocky Mountain, Inc.

Junior Achievement-Rocky Mountain, Inc. (JA) is part of the world’s largest organization dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy.  JA approached AFW in 2013 to ask if we would house JA Finance Park. While the original idea was to move the park from location to location, after some discussion we offered to permanently house JA Finance Park at our Thornton location. This has been a huge success for JA! It saves them the cost of moving, wear and tear on the structure, and time that they devote to the more than 8,000 kids that go through the program each year.

Montana State University - Jake Jabes College of Business and Entrepreneurship

Montana State University – Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship

In the fall of 2011, MSU alumnus Jake Jabs gave $25 million to the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship. A portion of this gift was used to construct a new building, Jabs Hall, to house the college and further its mission of inspiring creativity, innovation, and growth.

The Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship (JJCBE) offers a variety of undergraduate majors and minors in business. The college also offers a Master of Professional Accountancy degree and a business certificate.  Click here to learn more>>

University of Colorado Denver

University of Colorado Denver

Jake Jabs pledged $10 million toward the entrepreneurship center at The University of Colorado Denver Business School, helping to dramatically expand its entrepreneurship education, research, programmatic reach, and caliber. With this gift, the newly renamed Jake Jabs Center for Entrepreneurship will expand its annual Business Plan competition to encompass universities throughout Colorado and the West. It will enable the build-out of a named marquee space for the new Business School building and fund new endowments for a professorship, faculty research, programming and operations.