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Blog posts of '2018' 'October'

Blogger Spotlight:  Somewhat Simple | Oct 2018
Blogger Spotlight: Somewhat Simple | Oct 2018

Stephanie Dulgarian is a mother of five and founder and creative director of the lifestyle blog Somewhat Simple. She has dedicated her considerable blogging and momming skills to helping other moms simplify their daily routines and lives with time-saving tips, recipes, and other family-life tricks! Recently, this blogging supermom took on a new DIY challenge: decorating her mother’s new apartment.

2018 Back to School Event a Success
2018 Back to School Event a Success

We began our BETTER Your Home, BETTER Your School program in the fall of 2016 as a way to give back to local school communities all year round. In a little more than two years since the program’s inception, we are now supporting more than 300 school partners!

Planning Your Space 101
Planning Your Space 101

You’ve read countless home design blogs. You’ve combined all the best looks into a stellar Pinterest board. You’ve made a list of every piece of furniture you want to own. You are totally ready to buy your dream furniture, right? Not so fast. There’s one crucial step you need to take before making your furniture dreams come true: planning your space.

New Mattress Care 101
New Mattress Care 101

Get the most out of new mattress with these tips from American Furniture Warehouse

Jake Jabs Event Center groundbreaking, CU Denver Business School
Jake Jabs Event Center groundbreaking, CU Denver Business School

$12 million gift from Jake Jabs funds center to enhance event capabilities, educational experiences and connections with Denver’s business community.


6 Wickedly Easy Halloween Tips
6 Wickedly Easy Halloween Tips

BOO...Halloween is right around the corner! Whether you’re planning on giving out candy to little ghouls or throwing a killer at-home party, you’ll need to start preparing for the night of frights. Gear up for a spooktacular season with these 6 wickedly easy Halloween tips.