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Blog posts of '2021' 'April'

Blogger Spotlight | Earthy Living Space Reno by Laura Funk
Blogger Spotlight | Earthy Living Space Reno by Laura Funk
Our living room was in dire need of a change and after a decade we finally decided to go all in.
Blogger Spotlight | Kids Shared Bedroom with Life Through Mama Eyes
Blogger Spotlight | Kids Shared Bedroom with Life Through Mama Eyes
Make your kids shared bedroom functional and appealing!
How to Style a Sofa Three Ways
How to Style a Sofa Three Ways
Have you outgrown your current design style? Here are three ways to style a sofa and have the style you want!
Renter Friendly Decorating Tips
Renter Friendly Decorating Tips
If you are renting then decorating your space may be challenging when you are trying to make as few dents as possible. Here are a few renter-friendly decorating tips that will help you own your space without threatening your deposit.