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Blog posts tagged with 'bookcases and storage'

Designer’s Den | Decorating with Two Sofas in One Space
Designer’s Den | Decorating with Two Sofas in One Space
Can’t chose between the two sofas you absolutely love for one space? Pick them both! Our expert designers will show you how to bend the rules a bit in this week’s Designer’s Den.
Small Space, Big Style
Small Space, Big Style
There’s no better way to celebrate a new decade than by enjoying a fresh new look for your space—regardless of the size. Here’s how we put together this functional compact living and dining area without compromising style.
A Reading Nook Two Ways
A Reading Nook Two Ways
When it’s time to decorate your reading nook, think beyond the books to create a cozy space that fits your style. Here’s how we created two completely different looks using the same grey bookcase.
Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny | Feb 2018
Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny | Feb 2018

Destiny is an Arizona-based blogger who writes about home living and lifestyle on her blog, Just Destiny. She covers everything about creating and sharing beautiful things, including her gorgeously fresh and clean design style, fun crafts, doable DIY projects, and charming printables.

Shop the Look: Casual Small Space Bedroom
Shop the Look: Casual Small Space Bedroom

A small space bedroom can be just as inviting and functional as a larger bedroom if you know the right tricks. Here's how we put together a small bedroom that combines casual, cozy looks with functional choices.

Designing with Light Neutrals
Designing with Light Neutrals

Originally posted on June 21, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Three Design Principles for Creating a Space Without Relying on Color

If you've read our Designing with Dark Neutrals post or seen our Dark Neutral Design video, you know just how easy it is to create a room with a neutral color palette. Here, we created a room with light neutrals to demonstrate three more basic design principles that you can use to create a home that tells your unique story without relying on color.

Designing with Dark Neutrals
Designing with Dark Neutrals

Originally posted on March 29, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Creating a Sophisticated Neutral Look in 3 Easy Steps

Creating a space with neutrals yields a high-end, sophisticated look. While it can seem more challenging to execute than a space with color, by sticking to three basic design principles you'll see just how easy it is to create a space that is warm, inviting, and impactful.

Graduation Gift Guide
Graduation Gift Guide

Originally posted on May 10, 2016 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

It's graduation season and here at AFW we boast a long history of supporting college and university students. Year after year, AFW founder Jake Jabs donates to programs in higher education. He regularly hosts college tours at our corporate office, guest lectures at universities, and speaks at commencements (most recently, he spoke at the Rocky Mountain College commencement). In honor of the incredible accomplishments made by the class of 2016, we've compiled a list of grad-worthy gifts.