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Blog posts tagged with 'italian leather sofa'

Italian Leather Sofas and Sectionals
Italian Leather Sofas and Sectionals
Italian Leather sofas and sectional are within reach when you shop at AFW. It's the perfect combination of sophisticated and affordable with our design experts working with the factory to bring you the best prices on Italian Leather anywhere!
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Learn the Lingo: Leather
Learn the Lingo: Leather
You might be wondering why the floor model of a leather couch you saw at AFW looks different from the one you just received at home. There are several types of leather, but for the context of furniture, we’ve created a quick guide that can help you learn the lingo of leather.
How it's Made: Soft Line Italian Leather Sofa
How it's Made: Soft Line Italian Leather Sofa

AFW works with factories all over the world to bring our customers the best products at the best prices, ranging from unique ceramic accents from Mexico and quality canvas giclée artwork produced in Longmont, Colorado to quality leather furniture produced by Soft Line in Italy.