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Blog posts tagged with 'kitchen furniture'

Designers Den | Barstool Buying Tips
Designers Den | Barstool Buying Tips
Bar stools can be such an awesome addition to your home. They fully complete the look of your kitchen and help provide a peek into your personal style. But before you buy, consider these quick tips and tricks from our designers.
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Blogger Spotlight | Quick and Inexpensive Summer Home Makeover Ideas with Jill Esteban
Blogger Spotlight | Quick and Inexpensive Summer Home Makeover Ideas with Jill Esteban
If you’re looking for quick and inexpensive ways to give your home a summer refresh, Jill Esteban has you covered! We recently partnered with her on retouching a few rooms in her home while maintaining the modern style and fresh, clean décor she loves—all without breaking the bank.