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Blog posts tagged with 'mattresses'

Develop a Bedtime Dream Team
Develop a Bedtime Dream Team
Sleep is essential: a poor night’s sleep obviously affects mood and energy levels, but it also plays an important role in everything from the creation of memories to immune system function. Start every day right by creating a bedtime dream team with the right mattress and box springs, adjustable base, or platform bed to wake up rested, refreshed, and ready to take on the day.
How to Take Your Dorm Room to the Next Level
How to Take Your Dorm Room to the Next Level

When you first move into your dorm, it can be pretty generic thanks to the school-provided furniture and total lack of decor. Here are three ways to take your dorm room to the next level so that it’s more comfortable and personalized.

Box Springs 101
Box Springs 101
You may not be thinking about box springs when you're picking out a mattress, but focusing only on the mattress itself is a mistake!
New Mattress Care 101
New Mattress Care 101

Get the most out of new mattress with these tips from American Furniture Warehouse

Ten Tips: How To Sleep Better To Live Better
Ten Tips: How To Sleep Better To Live Better

These 10 simple lifestyle changes can help you sleep better so you can face the world at your best! 

Ten Tips: How to Sleep Cool This Summer
Ten Tips: How to Sleep Cool This Summer

The dog days of summer have arrived! While the long days and abundant sunshine are nice, no one looks forward to the hot, sleepless nights. Try out these cool(ing) tricks to beat the heat and get the sleep you need.


Graduation Gift Guide
Graduation Gift Guide

Originally posted on May 10, 2016 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

It's graduation season and here at AFW we boast a long history of supporting college and university students. Year after year, AFW founder Jake Jabs donates to programs in higher education. He regularly hosts college tours at our corporate office, guest lectures at universities, and speaks at commencements (most recently, he spoke at the Rocky Mountain College commencement). In honor of the incredible accomplishments made by the class of 2016, we've compiled a list of grad-worthy gifts.

Made In The USA
Made In The USA

At American Lifestyle Furniture, we support companies that manufacture their merchandise here in the USA whenever we can.

As one of the largest private employers in Colorado, we know the value American furniture manufacturers provide their communities by manufacturing their furniture in the states. On average, 70% of our merchandise comes from companies with factories here in the states. Some of these manufacturers are even located right here in Colorado, our home state.

These are just some of the companies and products that we purchase from manufacturers here in the U.S.:

  • Ashley, Corinthian, Franklin, Affordable and American Sofas
  • Lane, Hillcraft and Jackson Catnapper sleepers
  • Sealy Posturepedic, Simmons Beautyrest and Therapedic mattresses
  • Trendwood, Ashley, Log Furniture and Standard bedroom
  • Sauder home office, wall units, bookcases and RTA furniture
  • Artist of The West art from Circle Graphics

We are sure you are asking why we do not purchase all of our merchandise from U.S. companies? We would like to, but It's just not possible anymore for some products.

Many companies have moved their manufacturing overseas, providing fewer choices for made in the USA furniture and home decor. There are some products that are just not made here in the states anymore. You would be surprised how many products you have to buy overseas now.

Here are some merchandise items that are not made in America anymore: Electronics, TVs, DVD players, stereos, metal and glass furniture, hall trees, jewelry armoires, cheval mirrors, occasional tables, furniture with stone, gliders, electric fireplaces, and more.

As you can see, many products are not made here in the USA. That doesn't mean that when we can, it will be the right price for the customer. We still try to purchase made in the USA on anything and everything that we can.

We value our partners here in the U.S. and are honored to purchase furniture that is made here whenever we can.

Ask any of our sales associates (they're in the red shirts) for more information on all our amazing made in the USA products.