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Designer's Den | Playful Patio Picks

Designer's Den | Playful Patio Picks

So long, sweater weather!! *Spring* into spring with some patio design tips from our Designers here at AFW. 

Patio Design Tip #1: Make It Colorful

A table with some chairs around it on your patio may be sufficient for some people, but not for trendy individuals such as yourselves. Our Designers have three ways to add some pops of color to your otherwise dull patio.

Patio furniture with accessories and an umbrella

  • First, lay down a vibrant outdoor rug underneath that table or adirondack. A lively rug speaks for itself!
  • Second, add a colorful umbrella! Umbrellas are like the perfect multipurpose patio spice. They shield your skin and eyes from the sun while providing a pleasant burst of color.
  • Third, accessorize! We’ve said it before, and we will say it again, accessories are the way to go when it comes to elevating your design space. Outdoor decor like fun solar lights or decorative watering cans are a simple way to add color to the patio.

Patio Design Tip # 2: Function & Style

Multifunctional furniture is on trend and it’s not going anywhere! Spring is the perfect time of year to have some friends over and have a little fire pit. It's still cool enough in the evenings to enjoy the outdoors!

A multifunctional table with a fire pit means you can roast your weenies and eat them too! Being able to sit and have a meal at a table while keeping warm on a cool spring night, has got to be the ultimate way to elevate your spring dining experience.
Counter height patio table with built in firepit

Another multifunctional piece to consider is a classy planter. Planters act as a home for your beautiful spring flowers, and also as a fresh accent piece on your patio. All around function and style is where it's at!

Spring time is meant to be spent enjoying the outside, and AFW has everything you could need to boost your spring oasis!

Shop these items and more at AFW and 

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