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4 Affordable Wedding Décor Ideas

4 Affordable Wedding Décor Ideas
Perhaps you're thinking of a smaller location for your wedding, like your home or a loved one's backyard, or simply choosing a venue that can accommodate distancing. Downsizing on capacity doesn't mean you have to downsize on lively décor. When it comes to small-scale ideas, you don't have to break the budget to execute vibrant visuals for your dream wedding. 

Mr. & Mrs. Sign

The best partsome of these are items you may already havelike mirrors, picture frames, and candle holders. For new items, you can quickly find a use for them in your home after the grand event. Best of all, each option carries the perfect amount of visual energy to celebrate the special couple. If you're seeking a romantic theme, modern glam, or something in between, here are 4 affordable wedding décor ideas to consider. 

Soft & Romantic

Soft & Romantic Wedding Decor

Together, these items create a soft, romantic look. Notice the curves of the mirrorthis creates a gentle touch that compliments any bridal look. Faux blossom trees and ferns also serve as delicate highlights. The special couple will feel relaxed surrounded by a muted color palette and chic details throughout.

Candle holder and picture frame

The candle holder and picture frame are simple, less expensive items that help add gentle finishing touches to this look on the big day. These can also be used to refresh any room's décor in the home afterward. 

Modern Glam 

Modern glam wedding decor

Clean lines and a touch of glam can create a classy, upscale look for the modern bride.

Shimmer effect in wedding decor

Using sleek accents and a monochromatic color palette can help other wedding details shine. The sparkle from the accessories creates a shimmering effect and draws additional interest to the wedding centerpieces. This setting is perfect for the bride seeking a simple, clean-lined look with a touch of glam. 

Transitional Balance 

Transitional balance wedding decor

This look captures the perfect blend of the wedding couple. The king and queen chairs, along with the contrast in color with both light and dark chairs uniquely symbolize the union. The console brings together a transitional balance and anchors the overall look into an amazing, eye-catching seating arrangement.

Greenery in wedding decor

Adding greenery gives texture and a pop of color to pull the entire look together for a perfect bride and groom feature moment. 

Sweethearts Table 

Sweethearts Table

There's something romantic and idyllic about sitting apart from the crowd in a cozy little nookor what we call the Sweethearts Tablelooking around a room filled with your loved ones and taking in the first few moments together as newlyweds.

Sweethearts Table decor

Incorporate romantic accents that sweeten the moment, like soft candlelight and lighting, flowers, and photos of the adoring couple to bring this chic Sweethearts Table together. 

Creating smaller, space-friendly settings for your wedding doesn't have to be time-consuming or a wallet drainer. Use smaller items and accessories together to create a unique, eye-catching theme with an intimate feel. You can even carry this theme throughout the wedding at each table your guests will sit and enjoy the evening. Tabletop décor doesn't have to be expensive, and with our giant home décor section, we guarantee you'll find something to work with your entire look or theme, all at a very low cost!