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Blog posts of '2022' 'January'

KPRC2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Aaliyah Tezeno with $2,500 Scholarship
KPRC2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Aaliyah Tezeno with $2,500 Scholarship
KPRC2 / Click2Houston and American Furniture Warehouse are surprising 20 deserving high school seniors with scholarships in 2022! All students selected for scholarships have been nominated by their high schools. The first $2,500 scholarship winner of the year is Aaliyah Tezeno, a senior at Worthing Early College High School in Houston Independent School District.
Designer's Den | 3 Ways to Style a Rug
Designer's Den | 3 Ways to Style a Rug
New year, new rugs! Our design experts are bringing you into our Rug Gallery this week to show you three ways to choose a new rug based on style. From traditional to bold contemporary to transitional, you'll see just how much creative range our stylish rugs can offer in enhancing your favorite spaces. Tune in!
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Designer's Den | The Power of 3 in Decorating
Designer's Den | The Power of 3 in Decorating
The rule of three is one of the most essential design foundations. This week, our design experts show you easy ways to use stylish rugs, bookcases, chairs and more from AFW to bring a unique balance to your space using the power of 3. Tune in!
Designer's Den | Undeck the Halls
Designer's Den | Undeck the Halls
Whether you've put the holiday decor away for the season, or still enjoying the glam for a bit longer, you might be wondering what's next for that space? This week in our Designer's Den, our experts are showing you tips that hit both organization and decor for the New Year. We're also sharing bonus tips to help with keeping your relaxing resolutions. Tune in!
Designer’s Den | Decorating with Two Sofas in One Space
Designer’s Den | Decorating with Two Sofas in One Space
Can’t chose between the two sofas you absolutely love for one space? Pick them both! Our expert designers will show you how to bend the rules a bit in this week’s Designer’s Den.
AFW Contest Rules
American Furniture Warehouse Official Rules & Regulations
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