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Blog posts of '2017' 'June'


Originally posted on May 31, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

If you’re on a mission to create a stylish farmhouse look, we would like to introduce you to Shayna Orrino, the creator of The Wood Grain Cottage

Designing with Light Neutrals
Designing with Light Neutrals

Originally posted on June 21, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Three Design Principles for Creating a Space Without Relying on Color

If you've read our Designing with Dark Neutrals post or seen our Dark Neutral Design video, you know just how easy it is to create a room with a neutral color palette. Here, we created a room with light neutrals to demonstrate three more basic design principles that you can use to create a home that tells your unique story without relying on color.

Learn the Lingo: The Difference Between Standard Height, Counter Height, and Bar Height
Learn the Lingo: The Difference Between Standard Height, Counter Height, and Bar Height

Whether you're looking for a new dining set or you're just looking for some chairs, you've probably noticed that tables and chairs come in different heights. When it comes to dining tables and seating, there are three common heights: standard height, counter height, and bar height. Each height creates a different ambience, so knowing what you're looking for can help you achieve the dining experience you want.

How to Clean and Care for Your Furniture
How to Clean and Care for Your Furniture

If you've just purchased new furniture, you want to keep it looking its best so that you can enjoy your investment for years to come. The easiest way to keep your furniture looking new is by properly cleaning and caring for it.