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Learn the Lingo: The Difference Between Standard Height, Counter Height, and Bar Height

Learn the Lingo: The Difference Between Standard Height, Counter Height, and Bar Height

Whether you're looking for a new dining set or you're just looking for some chairs, you've probably noticed that tables and chairs come in different heights. When it comes to dining tables and seating, there are three common heights: standard height, counter height, and bar height. Each height creates a different ambience, so knowing what you're looking for can help you achieve the dining experience you want. It’s also important to note that the height of a chair or stool is measured from the floor to the top of the seat and doesn't include the seat back.

Comparison of standard dining chair, counter stool, and bar stool

Standard Height (Dining Height)

Standard height, also called dining height, is the shortest and most formal height. It's probably the height you think of when someone says "dinner table." Standard height tables are about 30" high and dining chairs are about 18" high. Because of the popularity of this height, there are a wider variety of styles and shapes available than there is for counter and bar height sets.

Brown Rectangular Dining Table and Chairs
Round Dining Table and Chairs
White Rectangular Dining Table and Chairs

Counter Height

Counter height is a popular height if you want to create a more casual feel and blur the line between sitting and standing, making this a good height for those who like to entertain. Counter height tables are about 36" high (the same height as a standard kitchen counter), and counter height stools are about 24" high. Choosing a counter height set is a smart choice for smaller spaces for a number of reasons: counter height tables frequently have compact square tops; counter height tables often offer shelves in the table base for storage; and counter height sets appear to take up less space because of their height. If you're looking to pair stools with your kitchen counter, you'll want to use counter height stools.

Brown Square Counter Height Table and Counter Stools
White Rectangular Counter Height Table and Counter Stools
Brown Counter Height Table and Stools with Storage in Base

Bar Height (Pub Height)

Bar height, also called pub height, is the tallest common height and creates a very relaxed feel with minimal difference between sitting and standing, making this height an excellent choice for those who like to entertain. Bar height tables are about 42" high and bar height stools are about 30" high. If you want your table and bar to be the same height, a bar height table is your best bet. If you're looking for stools to go with your bar, choose bar height stools; counter height stools are too short for a bar.

Bar Height Table
Round Bar Height Table and Bar Stools

Standard Height vs. Counter Height Comparison

Grey Dining Table and Chairs

Rectangular standard height dining table

Grey Counter Height Table and Counter Stools

Rectangular counter height dining table

Grey Bar Height Table and Bar Stools

Square counter height dining table with storage in base

Brown and White Dining Table and Chairs

Rectangular standard height dining table

Brown and White Counter Height Table and Counter Stools

Square counter height dining table with storage in base

Counter Height vs. Bar Height Comparison

Brown Round Counter Height Table and Counter Stools

Round counter height dining table

Brown Round Ber Height Talbe and Bar Stools

Round bar height dining table