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Learn the Lingo: RAF and LAF

Learn the Lingo: RAF and LAF

Learn the Lingo: RAF and LAF

If you've been looking at sectionals, you've probably seen the acronyms RAF and LAF in cryptic descriptions like "LAF loveseat, corner wedge, armless chair, RAF chaise." While the acronyms RAF and LAF may seem cryptic, learning their simple meaning can help you choose the correct sectional configuration. RAF stands for right arm facing and LAF stands for left arm facing. A single piece of a sectional often has only one arm or no arms at all; RAF and LAF are used to describe whether the arm is on the left or right side of a piece and whether the piece is on the left or right side of the sectional. Both RAF and LAF refer to the location of the arm when you are facing the piece.

Diagram of a sectional showing, from left to right, a LAF chaise, an armless chair, and a RAF sofa

RAF (Right Arm Facing)

If you're standing in front of a sectional and facing it, the arm of a RAF piece will be on the right side of the piece and the RAF piece will be on the right side of the sectional. For example, if you're looking at a sectional with an RAF chaise, the chaise will have one arm on the right and the chaise will be on the right side of the sectional.

2 Piece Sectional with RAF Chaise

2 Piece Sectional with RAF Chaise

This sectional has a LAF loveseat and an RAF chaise.

2 Piece Sectional with RAF Loveseat

2 Piece Sectional with RAF Loveseat

This sectional has a LAF sofa and an RAF loveseat.

3 Piece Sectional with RAF Chaise

3 Piece Sectional with RAF Chaise

This sectional has a sofa, armless loveseat, and a RAF chaise.

3 Piece Sectional with RAF Wedge

3 Piece Sectional with RAF Wedge

This sectional includes a RAF wedge, an armless sofa, and a LAF sofa sectional.

LAF (Left Arm Facing)

If you're standing in front of a sectional and facing it, the arm of a LAF piece will be on the left side of the piece and the LAF piece will be on the left side of the sectional. For example, if you're looking at a sectional with an LAF chaise, the chaise will be on the left side of the sectional.

2 Piece Sectional with LAF Chaise

2 Piece Sectional with LAF Chaise

This sectional includes a LAF chaise and a RAF loveseat.

2 Piece Sectional with LAF Loveseat

2 Piece Sectional with LAF Loveseat

This sectional includes a LAF loveseat and an RAF sectional sofa.

3 Piece Sectional with LAF Chaise

3 Piece Sectional with LAF Chaise

This sectional has a LAF chaise, armless loveseat, and a sofa.

3 Piece Sectional with LAF Piano Wedge

3 Piece Sectional with LAF Piano Wedge

This sectional includes a LAF piano wedge, an armless sofa, and a RAF sofa sectional.

2 Piece Sectional

2 Piece Sectional

This sectional sofa includes two LAF loveseats. Because both pieces only have one arm and both are LAF, one end of the sectional doesn't have an arm (the right side of this image).

Remember, RAF and LAF tell you which side something is on when you're facing the piece, not sitting in it. Keeping the difference between RAF and LAF in mind while shopping will help you find the sectional configuration that best fits your space. If you forget, don't worry—any AFW sales consultant will help keep you straight. You can also use the AFW Space Planner to make sure that your sectional configuration (and any other furniture) will fit in your space.