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Blog posts tagged with 'learn the lingo'

Learn the Lingo: Leather
Learn the Lingo: Leather
You might be wondering why the floor model of a leather couch you saw at AFW looks different from the one you just received at home. There are several types of leather, but for the context of furniture, we’ve created a quick guide that can help you learn the lingo of leather.
Learn the Lingo: Desk Types
Learn the Lingo: Desk Types

Desks are an important staple of office and home office life that can have a huge impact on your productivity. The right desk has the features you need to be at your most productive, with the right amount of work surface, storage, and integrated technology. When you’re faced with a sea of desks, knowing the differences between the seven main types of desks makes it easier to find the desk that’s right for you and your space.

Learn the Lingo: The Difference Between Standard Height, Counter Height, and Bar Height
Learn the Lingo: The Difference Between Standard Height, Counter Height, and Bar Height

Whether you're looking for a new dining set or you're just looking for some chairs, you've probably noticed that tables and chairs come in different heights. When it comes to dining tables and seating, there are three common heights: standard height, counter height, and bar height. Each height creates a different ambience, so knowing what you're looking for can help you achieve the dining experience you want.

Learn the Lingo: RAF and LAF
Learn the Lingo: RAF and LAF

Learn the Lingo: RAF and LAF

If you've been looking at sectionals, you've probably seen the acronyms RAF and LAF in cryptic descriptions like "LAF loveseat, corner wedge, armless chair, RAF chaise." While the acronyms RAF and LAF may seem cryptic, learning their simple meaning can help you choose the correct sectional configuration.