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Blog posts of '2021' 'July'

Blogger Spotlight | Teacher's Industrial Home Office Makeover with Laura Funk
Blogger Spotlight | Teacher's Industrial Home Office Makeover with Laura Funk
Working from home took on a new meaning for families last year. As a teacher, Laura Funk's home office needed an industrial redesign. Read on to see how she and her family transformed this small space into a big statement, right in time for Back to School.
Creative Furniture Pairings: Accent Chairs + Wall Art & Rugs
Creative Furniture Pairings: Accent Chairs + Wall Art & Rugs
Accent chairs not only provide chic seating but are also a great way to add color and texture to a room. Now let’s take it a step further into stylish décor by pairing an accent chair with vibrant wall art or textured rugs to create the perfect vibe. Take a look at how these various accent chair pairings can instantly change the mood of your favorite rooms.