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Blog posts of '2018' 'April'

How AFW Gives Back to Our Community
How AFW Gives Back to Our Community

Under the direction of President and CEO Jake Jabs, American Furniture Warehouse (AFW) has been actively involved with our community for more than 40 years. We’re proud to support a variety of causes in Colorado, Arizona, and beyond, including education, youth, family, people in need, our environment, veterans, and agriculture. We give to hundreds of different non-profits, service organizations, K-12 schools, technical schools, and colleges on a regular basis.

Blogger Spotlight | Momma Society
Blogger Spotlight | Momma Society

Mandy created Momma Society, a resource for moms and moms-to-be, after experiencing the challenges of modern motherhood that came along with the birth of her first baby in 2015. She transformed her living room to reflect of her family’s style and life by keeping her larger pieces of furniture and swapping out her accent pieces. The end result is a living room that feels bigger, brighter, and more organized—all on a smaller budget.

How to Design a Room in 5 Easy Steps
How to Design a Room in 5 Easy Steps

Follow these 5 easy steps to put together a room that's cozy, functional, and full of style.