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Blog posts of '2019' 'January'

5 Tips to Achieving a Boho Chic Look
5 Tips to Achieving a Boho Chic Look

If the boho chic fits your vibe then you know that successfully coordinating all of the aspects that go into the look can be a huge challenge. To pull off the boho-look in your home decor takes that challenge to a whole new level. If you are trying to create a space that highlights your boho-chic side, here's a few tips and tricks to help you break through the noise and achieve a comfortable, stylish space that's all your own!

Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny Office Makeover
Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny Office Makeover

After Collaborating with American Furniture Warehouse to finish her boys' bedroom, Destiny decided that her next big room project would be creating a comfortable, beautiful office space to blog, craft, and work at home! 

Crutches 4 Africa
Crutches 4 Africa

Giving back is always the most present in minds and hearts during the holiday season. Here at AFW, we are no different. As we experience the hope and joy associated with the beginning of a new year, we want to highlight the efforts of staff members who have gone above and beyond to further our efforts to give back to our local and global community.