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Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny Office Makeover

Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny Office Makeover

Destiny is an Arizona-based blogger who writes about home living and lifestyle on her blog, Just Destiny. She covers everything about creating and sharing beautiful things, including her gorgeously fresh and clean design style, fun crafts, doable DIY projects, and charming printables.

After Collaborating with American Furniture Warehouse to finish her boys' bedroom, Destiny decided that her next big room project would be creating a comfortable, beautiful office space to blog, craft, and work at home! After exploring a vibrant, playful look with her previous office, Destiny wanted to style her new space in a more subtle and modern way this time around.

Keep reading to discover how Destiny pulled off her fresh, clean office look! Find the pieces she used here:


Brianne Mist Sofa || Grey Ivory Pattern Vase || Oxford Writing Desk || Seagrass Basket

Shag RugPine PlantAslan Faux Fur Pillow

Shimmer Shag Snow Gold Rug || Pine Plant || Aslan Faux Fur Pillow

An Office Makeover

(Exerpt from original post on Just Destiny)

Beofre Picture

When I moved into our new home I knew I wanted a fresh start with my office area. I do all of my work at home, so my hubby and I agreed that I could have the space to create, which is so important in this field!! Although we kid around that his office is half the size of mine he hates working out of the office area while me on the other hand, I need the space!

contacted me about partnering up, I was on board. Remember they helped me complete the boys' room and it turned out great!

So with that idea in mind, I browsed online and then finally made a trip to the store for those two things! I ended up finding a light blue sofa and a darker stained desk that were both perfect to start off the makeover! As I was walking the store I also noticed they had an entire accessories section so I made my way over there and ended up loving a few pieces including a rug, pillows and some vases that I knew would go perfectly with the vision I had.

Office Collage

What I love about AFW is that they really want you to go home with a complete room so they make sure to provide not only furniture but all the accessories that go along with furniture. Things like rugs, mirror, art, accessories and pillows are all in-store to help you put your look together. It can be overwhelming to look at all the options but what I do is I scan the room and only go to the items that I’m attracted to and that fit my aesthetic!

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