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The Best Seat for Your Screen

The Best Seat for Your Screen

Whether you’re gearing up for the beginning of football season or just want the perfect setup for a movie marathon, choosing the right seating can take your media experience to the next level. But how do your select the perfect spot to watch TV? This guide will navigate through the different seating options to help you make the most of your media experience.

Sofa vs. Sectional

One of the first things to consider when choosing the seating to pair with your TV is whether a sofa or a sectional would best suit your needs. Because they come in a wide variety of styles and colors, it can be easier to find a sofa that coordinates with your decor if you have very specific decorating style or if you’re working with a particular color scheme. On the other hand, a sectional can offer a wider variety of seating—including stationary seats, reclining seats, and a chaise—all in one piece of furniture. Depending on the sectional, it may also seat more people than a similarly-sized sofa. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all seats on a sectional will necessarily be facing your TV, so some people may have to sit at an uncomfortable angle to see the screen.

To Recline, or Not To Recline

Once you’ve concluded whether a sofa or sectional would best fit your needs and your space, it’s time to decide whether or not you would like your seating to recline. Reclining can be the most comfortable way to watch something, and reclining furniture eliminates the need for a separate ottoman for your feet. It frequently offers handy features that aren’t found in stationary furniture, like storage consoles and cup holders. Unfortunately, reclining furniture may not be the best choice if your space is on the smaller side: reclining furniture requires room for the footrest to extend, and most reclining furniture can’t be placed up against a wall because the back will hit the wall when the piece is reclined.

Bonus Features

Reclining sofas and sectionals (and occasionally stationary pieces) often have additional features that can make your screen time even more enjoyable. Cup holders keep your beverage close at hand without the need to worry about spillage, and some cup holders even keep your drinks cold. If a piece has a center console, it typically features both cup holders and a hidden storage compartment that is perfect for keeping remotes from getting lost. Some center consoles also include a drop down table to provide a level surface for your mid-media munchies, as well as handy reading lights. Other pieces also offer USB charging ports integrated into the piece so you can charge your devices without snaking a cord across the room or worrying about missing a great play because your phone battery died. Some pieces even offer LED lighting along the bottom of the piece to complete the home-theater experience.

Avoiding a Fumble

Regardless of what type of seating you opt for, make sure that it will fit in your space. There’s nothing more disappointing than getting new furniture delivered and realizing that it’s too much furniture for the room, or even worse, too big to even move into the room. Be sure to measure your room and use the AFW Space Planner to determine whether your picks will work with your space.

By understanding the different seating options and the variety of features available, you can easily pick the furniture that helps you make the most out of your media-watching experience.