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Blogger Spotlight | Classy Clutter

Blogger Spotlight  |  Classy Clutter

Originally posted on April 6, 2016 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.


Classy Clutter is the brainchild of Mallory and Savannah, an Arizona-based dynamic DIY duo who write about DIY projects, home decor, crafts, and more. They each have an eye for fun, fresh design that looks effortlessly classy and the DIY chops to pull off stunning home transformations.

Savannah wanted to give her little boy a Star-Wars-themed room "without it being to cheesy," and we think she totally succeeded in creating a room that is both fun and sophisticated. Read on to see exactly how she put the room together, and check out the piece she used here:

Davis Grey Twin Headboard

Davis Grey Twin Headboard

The Davis Grey Twin Headboard pictured above was too irresistible and is no longer available. Rest assured, there are plenty of other items to love! Check out our selection of headboards here.

Star Wars Kids Bedroom

(Excerpt from original post on Classy Clutter)

You guys!!! I am so excited to share my little boys room with you today. To say that he is obsessed with his new room is a bit of an understand. My three-year old little boy Ryder LOVES Star Wars. I wanted to give him a themed room with out it being to “cheesy” and I really think that Mallory and myself nailed it.

The first thing that I bought for his new big boy room was his headboard. I wanted the headboard to be classy and timeless and when I found this headboard from American Furniture Warehouse I knew it was perfect. What I love about the headboard is that it totally gives the room a very rich and sophisticated feel to the room, especially with a themed room that was really important to me.

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