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Creating the Ultimate Homework Station

Creating the Ultimate Homework Station

Creating the Ultimate Homework Station for Kids and Teens

It's August, and that means school season is here. Developing good study habits starts with a place to do your homework. Help your child or teen succeed this year with a designated homework station. 

1. Something To Write On

A desk is essential whether you’re writing or typing. Set up a simple study space with a traditional schoolhouse desk with built-in storage to help keep homework items close at hand. You can also use a larger desk to help provide space to spread out. 

storagedesk largedeskdetail

2. A Place To Sit

Pair your desk with a supportive and colorful office chair or think outside the box with a comfortable yet durable tub chair.

meshchair tubchair


3. Good Lighting

It's much easier on the eyes to do homework in a well-lit room. A good task light will brighten up a space so you can easily read text without eyestrain. An industrial-inspired lamp can add lots of light and character to your space.



4. Organize It

Being organized is one of the keys to success when doing homework or studying. Plus, it’s a great way to provide your child the tools they need to be organized early so there is a greater chance they will carry that on later in life. Get organized with a simple bookcase for textbooks, notebooks, and binders. You can also add a kid-friendly animal storage ottoman for smaller school supplies. 


bookshelf dinostorage

5. Make it fun

Little personal touches can go a long way to making a homework space feel more inviting when homework takes almost as much time as a part-time job. Add a fun bean bag to relax on or as an alternative to your desk chair when you just need to kick back and work on your laptop.

beanbagtiedye beanbagblue


Once you’ve set up a space with something to do write on, something to sit in, plenty of light, organizational storage, and some personal touches, you're all set to get in the zone and get that homework done.
