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KPRC2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Abrianna Mullin with $2,500 scholarship

KPRC2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Abrianna Mullin with $2,500 scholarship

KPRC2 / Click2Houston and American Furniture Warehouse are surprising 20 deserving high school seniors with scholarships in 2022. All students selected for scholarships have been nominated by their high schools. 

The ninth $2,500 scholarship winner of the year is Abrianna Mullin who will be graduating from IMPACT Early College High School in Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District.

Abrianna has volunteered her time with a number of community groups, while serving on student council, Model United Nations, the City of Baytown Youth Advisory Commission, and several other organizations.

Her busy schedule didn’t stand in the way of her school work in which she has excelled as well. Abrianna is ranked first in her class and has been accepted to Yale University where she will study to become a human rights attorney with a focus on social change.

Congratulations, Abrianna! You have an amazing future ahead of you!