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KPRC 2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Jaclynn Schwander with $2,500 Scholarship

KPRC 2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Jaclynn Schwander with $2,500 Scholarship
KPRC 2 / Click2Houston and American Furniture Warehouse are surprising 20 deserving high school seniors with scholarships in 2022. All students selected for scholarships have been nominated by their high schools.The eleventh $2,500 scholarship winner of the year is Jaclynn Schwander, who is a senior at Dayton High School in Dayton Independent School District.

Jaclynn is ranked second in her class and plans to study aerospace engineering and molecular biology in college.

“My first giant leap into my future will begin at Rice University with a double-major in aerospace engineering and molecular biology, the perfect degree combination for an astronaut,” she wrote in her scholarship essay. “I have already tested these waters by passing a university, sophomore-level aerospace engineering course at the University of Michigan. I was the only high school student who participated in this distance-learning program.”

This remarkable senior has already participated in an internship with the Michigan Aeronautical Science Association, while taking part in a number of organizations at her high school and volunteering with her church and in the community. While her academics have led her to winning an Honors Science Fair, Jaclynn has also been active in theatre and taken part in competitions for prose and poetry.

Congratulations, Jaclynn! You're a role model!