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KPRC2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Sarah Doggett with $2,500 Scholarship

KPRC2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Sarah Doggett with $2,500 Scholarship

KPRC2 / Click2Houston and American Furniture Warehouse are surprising 20 deserving high school seniors with scholarships in 2022. All students selected for scholarships have been nominated by their high schools. 

The fifth $2,500 scholarship winner of the year is Sarah Doggett, who will be graduating from Needville High School this spring.

Sarah is in the top 5% of her senior class and has been accepted to Texas A&M University, where she plans to study business marketing. Sarah has been a leader at her school’s newspaper, in addition to being involved in Spanish Club, Theatre, Varsity Volleyball, Varsity Basketball, Student Council, and many more school, church, and community activities.

Congratulations, Sarah! You're amazing!