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KPRC 2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Jake Webster with $2,500 Scholarship

KPRC 2 Senior Scholarships | AFW Surprises Jake Webster with $2,500 Scholarship
This year, we partnered with KPRC in Houston to surprise 20 deserving high school seniors with scholarships, but we didn’t stop there. We decided we needed to deliver good news and a $2,500 scholarship to one more graduate! The twenty-first scholarship winner of the year is Jake Webster who graduated from James E. Taylor High School in Katy Independent School District. Webster is heading to Texas A&M to pursue an engineering degree.

In high school, he maintained good grades, played football all four years, held a job at a hardware store, and worked as a little league umpire.

That busy schedule didn’t keep him from serving his community. Webster took part in relief projects after Hurricane Harvey and the 2021 Texas Freeze. He also started and led an organization to foster fellowship and support for other students.

“I was honestly discouraged getting to high school and seeing so many students in duress over school and sports demands or family circumstances. Something needed to happen at the school to stomp out some of the depression I saw. God has helped me tremendously through life’s trials, so I felt a calling to bring His word to Taylor,” wrote Webster in his scholarship essay.

“With the help of my sister and girlfriend, I started a new chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. At first, our meetings drew no more than 5 people. Just a year later, we have a bi-weekly attendance of 80+, handed out bibles in partnership with a local church, and shared meals together. I think that God can do incredible things for those willing to receive him, and I plan on bringing this aspect of servant leadership to College Station and beyond.”

Webster’s father sadly passed away in December before seeing his son graduate, but his influence is what Webster credits for his ability to overcome, excel, and make a difference for others.