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Man Cave Dos and Dont's

Man Cave Dos and Dont's

Man cave design does not have to be stressful or difficult. As you build your personal space away from the toys, flowers and "girly" things,  it's all about creating that perfect, relaxing space for you to watch the big game or a movie with your buddies (or by yourself). Having a great man cave design experience comes down to the following few dos and don'ts:


Dedicate the space that you chose for your man cave as only for your man cave and nothing else. This will be your space to create your haven away from everything and everyone and it's important this space is a dedicated space. It can be anywhere from a basement to a garage to a spare room or even a shed in the backyard.


Comparing your man cave to someone else's man cave is a mistake because man caves come in all shapes and styles and designs. Just because your friend may have a bigger or better man cave doesn't mean you should not still build one in your home. Creating and decorating your own unique space should be what's important even in a small space.


Plan your space. Use tools like our space planner and even a sketch pad to just sketch out your dedicated space to determine what will and will not fit in your space for furniture and entertainment. A little planning before you head out to shop for your space will help prevent you from purchasing something that may not fit or take up too much space in your room.


Make your man cave a solitary place. It can be any space you enjoy alone at times, but also make sure you have seating for your friends and family that may want to come watch the big game or movie with you. Your man cave will become the place everyone is looking for an invite to for football season. The most important part of any man cave design is to make it your own space and enjoy doing it. Nothing about building this fun new space should stress you out or frustrate you. Think about what you want most in your man cave and add that to any space you have and make your man cave dream a reality.