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Blog posts tagged with 'apartment living'

Blogger Spotlight:  Somewhat Simple | Oct 2018
Blogger Spotlight: Somewhat Simple | Oct 2018

Stephanie Dulgarian is a mother of five and founder and creative director of the lifestyle blog Somewhat Simple. She has dedicated her considerable blogging and momming skills to helping other moms simplify their daily routines and lives with time-saving tips, recipes, and other family-life tricks! Recently, this blogging supermom took on a new DIY challenge: decorating her mother’s new apartment.

Shop the Look: Furniture That Moves with You
Shop the Look: Furniture That Moves with You

Don’t wait until you have a bigger space to start developing your style. Build your style by picking furniture and décor items that can grow with you! These three tips will help you choose pieces that you can easily adapt to different spaces and move from home to home.