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Blog posts tagged with 'corporate giving'

2018 Back to School Event a Success
2018 Back to School Event a Success

We began our BETTER Your Home, BETTER Your School program in the fall of 2016 as a way to give back to local school communities all year round. In a little more than two years since the program’s inception, we are now supporting more than 300 school partners!

Notes From Jake Jabs
Notes From Jake Jabs

Under the direction of president and CEO Jake Jabs, American Furniture Warehouse has been actively involved with the Colorado community for more than 30 years. For us, giving back is a top priority. As such, American Furniture contributes more than $2 million as well as time and in-kind donations to hundreds of worthwhile organizations each year, including The Muscular Dystrophy Association, Easter Seals Colorado, March of Dimes, Make-A-Wish Foundation and Project C.U.R.E., among many others.