We get all of our Italian leather from a factory called Soft Line. This factory knows what they're doing when it comes to creating a timeless leather look with top grain leather. Soft Line's Italian Leather sofas & sectionals are curated specifically for the AFW customer, and our Buyers work closely with the owner of Soft Line to pair the perfect leather to the right frame, keeping our customer in mind.

We collaborate with the factory to get the best selection of Italian Leather sofas and sectionals at the best possible value for our customers! What makes this Italian Leather even more endearing is the fact that many of the sets come as sleeper sofas.

What's a sleeper sofa? You could probably guess from the name, but its a sofa that folds out into a bed. In this case, all of the Italian Leather sofa sleepers at AFW fold out into queen sized beds, which makes them ideal for smaller spaces!
It IS possible to have an elite one bedroom apartment with space for guests. Sit on the Italian leather sofa during the day while your entertaining and pull it out into the guest bed in the evening for sleeping!
Feeling fancy doesnt mean you have to break the bank. At American Furniture Warehouse, you can purchase genuine, top grain, Italian Leather at a price that will have your pockets thanking you, and your neighbors envying you.