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Plan Before You Buy: Sectional Sofas

Plan Before You Buy: Sectional Sofas

Sectional sofas are a family-friendly alternative to the traditional living room set, but people either love or hate them. Make sure you love sectionals before you buy one with these helpful tips and facts.

Sectional Facts

Sectional Terminology

RAF = Right Arm Facing and LAF = Left Arm Facing. It's important to get the correct arm for your space to ensure the proper look and feel. Modular pieces are individual pieces that make up a sectional. A sectional is generally made up of at least two or more pieces including a sofa and a loveseat or sofa and chaise.

Size - Generally the larger the sectional you build the more it will cost. You can create small space sectionals or large space sectionals depending on the number and size of pieces you build.

Space - Sectionals can help increase the seating in small spaces without taking up a lot of space like a sofa and loveseat would take up. Consider how many people will be sitting on your sectional to ensure you build one large enough for your space.

Shape - L shape or rounded are two of the most common options. Generally a rounded sectional will take up more room and not be as flexible in its arrangement in your space as an L-shaped sectional would be.

Planning - Make sure to use our space planner tool before you even set foot outside your house to help you plan every inch of the room you are thinking about adding. You do not want to purchase a sectional and find out it doesn't fit your space or design when it's delivered. Thinking about each of these points will help ensure that you are furnishing the space with the right sectional. You may find that your living room is not the right place for a sectional, but maybe your man cave or home theater is in the future. How do you pick the best piece for your space?