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Blog posts tagged with 'bedroom'

Living Large in a Small Space
Living Large in a Small Space
Living in a small space presents some unique challenges. With less space to work with, everything in the room must be worth the space it takes up or the room risks feeling cluttered. Here are smart ways to get the most out of a small living room, bedroom, and home office.
Creating a Cozy Vintage Bedroom
Creating a Cozy Vintage Bedroom
When you’re designing your bedroom, you want to create a bedroom that’s a cozy retreat, but you also want to show off your personality. Here’s how we created a warm and inviting bedroom that has vintage flair and a hint of rustic attitude.
Planning Your Space 101
Planning Your Space 101

You’ve read countless home design blogs. You’ve combined all the best looks into a stellar Pinterest board. You’ve made a list of every piece of furniture you want to own. You are totally ready to buy your dream furniture, right? Not so fast. There’s one crucial step you need to take before making your furniture dreams come true: planning your space.

Ten Tips: How To Sleep Better To Live Better
Ten Tips: How To Sleep Better To Live Better

These 10 simple lifestyle changes can help you sleep better so you can face the world at your best! 

Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny | Feb 2018
Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny | Feb 2018

Destiny is an Arizona-based blogger who writes about home living and lifestyle on her blog, Just Destiny. She covers everything about creating and sharing beautiful things, including her gorgeously fresh and clean design style, fun crafts, doable DIY projects, and charming printables.

Shop the Look: Casual Small Space Bedroom
Shop the Look: Casual Small Space Bedroom

A small space bedroom can be just as inviting and functional as a larger bedroom if you know the right tricks. Here's how we put together a small bedroom that combines casual, cozy looks with functional choices.

Blogger Spotlight | Inspiration for Moms
Blogger Spotlight | Inspiration for Moms

Originally posted on September 29, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Laura from Inspiration for Moms began her blog in 2009 after she had her first son and quit her job as an elementary school teacher. This Loveland, Colorado DIY mama created her blog to help make life feel a little less overwhelming and to inspire mothers everywhere to nourish their own creativity. While her cleaning and organizing hacks will have your house looking spotless in record time; her pinnable DIY projects will make you consider moving for the sole purpose of being closer to a craft store. 

How to Clean and Care for Your Furniture
How to Clean and Care for Your Furniture

If you've just purchased new furniture, you want to keep it looking its best so that you can enjoy your investment for years to come. The easiest way to keep your furniture looking new is by properly cleaning and caring for it.

Blogger Spotlight  |  Classy Clutter
Blogger Spotlight | Classy Clutter

Originally posted on April 6, 2016 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Classy Clutter is the brainchild of Mallory and Savannah, an Arizona-based dynamic DIY duo who write about DIY projects, home decor, crafts, and more. They each have an eye for fun, fresh design that looks effortlessly classy and the DIY chops to pull off stunning home transformations.

How to Decorate Your Bedroom
How to Decorate Your Bedroom

We spend one-third of our lives in our bedroom. It's hard to grasp time, but that's incredible. Needless to say, it's important to make sure your bedroom is your sanctuary where you can rest and relax while escaping the stress of the day. Let's take a look at a few tips to get started in decorating your bedroom oasis.