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Blog posts tagged with 'blogger spotlight'

Blogger Spotlight:  Somewhat Simple | Oct 2018
Blogger Spotlight: Somewhat Simple | Oct 2018

Stephanie Dulgarian is a mother of five and founder and creative director of the lifestyle blog Somewhat Simple. She has dedicated her considerable blogging and momming skills to helping other moms simplify their daily routines and lives with time-saving tips, recipes, and other family-life tricks! Recently, this blogging supermom took on a new DIY challenge: decorating her mother’s new apartment.

Blogger Spotlight | PennyWiseMama
Blogger Spotlight | PennyWiseMama

We partnered with PennyWiseMama to make over her twin girls’ bedrooms. As her girls are approaching their tween years, they were ready to say goodbye to the furniture and décor they’ve had since they were two and hello to a more grown-up look. Read on to see how she put the rooms together and check out the pieces that were used!  

Blogger Spotlight: Somewhat Simple | Jun 2018
Blogger Spotlight: Somewhat Simple | Jun 2018

Mother of five Stephanie Dulgarian is the Arizona-based founder and creative director of Somewhat Simple, a lifestyle blog with a mission to help other moms simplify their everyday routines by sharing easy recipes, DIY projects and crafts, family travel ideas, and more.

 After moving into her family’s current home, Stephanie’s loft lay empty for almost two years—until Stephanie decided it was time to turn the bare room into the perfect hangout that gave her teens and their friends a stylish, functional, and inviting space to relax.

Blogger Spotlight | Momma Society
Blogger Spotlight | Momma Society

Mandy created Momma Society, a resource for moms and moms-to-be, after experiencing the challenges of modern motherhood that came along with the birth of her first baby in 2015. She transformed her living room to reflect of her family’s style and life by keeping her larger pieces of furniture and swapping out her accent pieces. The end result is a living room that feels bigger, brighter, and more organized—all on a smaller budget.

Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny | Feb 2018
Blogger Spotlight | Just Destiny | Feb 2018

Destiny is an Arizona-based blogger who writes about home living and lifestyle on her blog, Just Destiny. She covers everything about creating and sharing beautiful things, including her gorgeously fresh and clean design style, fun crafts, doable DIY projects, and charming printables.

Blogger Spotlight | Inspiration for Moms
Blogger Spotlight | Inspiration for Moms

Originally posted on September 29, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Laura from Inspiration for Moms began her blog in 2009 after she had her first son and quit her job as an elementary school teacher. This Loveland, Colorado DIY mama created her blog to help make life feel a little less overwhelming and to inspire mothers everywhere to nourish their own creativity. While her cleaning and organizing hacks will have your house looking spotless in record time; her pinnable DIY projects will make you consider moving for the sole purpose of being closer to a craft store. 


Originally posted on May 31, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

If you’re on a mission to create a stylish farmhouse look, we would like to introduce you to Shayna Orrino, the creator of The Wood Grain Cottage

Blogger Spotlight  |  Classy Clutter
Blogger Spotlight | Classy Clutter

Originally posted on April 6, 2016 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Classy Clutter is the brainchild of Mallory and Savannah, an Arizona-based dynamic DIY duo who write about DIY projects, home decor, crafts, and more. They each have an eye for fun, fresh design that looks effortlessly classy and the DIY chops to pull off stunning home transformations.

Blogger Spotlight: Finders Keepers Designs
Blogger Spotlight: Finders Keepers Designs

Originally posted on January 17, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Don’t worry, no losers or weepers here! Finders Keepers Designs features the interior design stylings of the lovely Jade Bennett. Who is Jade Bennett, you ask? Jade is a second generation Interior Designer, graduate of American Institute of Interior Design in Fountain Hills, Arizona, and mother of two - she’s kind of a big deal. We’re obsessed with Jade’s style and how she flawlessly pairs farmhouse pieces with modern flair. That’s why we were so excited that she shared her experience from our store in Gilbert, Arizona (click here for locations) on her blog and shared with her followers @finderskeepersdesigns on Instagram the goodies she brought home. Below is an excerpt from her blog and the pieces she featured. 


  Industrial Accent Chest            Fuzz Stool White
        Industrial Accent Chest              

Fuzz Stool, White                                               


The stool pictured below was too irresistible                                            
and no longer available, but rest assured,                                         
there are 
plenty more items to love like the                                          
Fuzz Stool pictured above!                                          


American Furniture Warehouse

(Excerpt from original blog post on Finders Keepers Designs)


Before we made the move back to Mesa last year, we had lived in gilbert for the last 8 years and it was 
my favorite. I loved the open space and farmland. There were silos and old beautifully weathered 

farmhouses. However, time passed and these pieces of land and old homes were torn down and
replaced with new buildings. One of my favorite little farm houses sold off and I watched it get torn down
as I drove passed it every day. In its place they started building this big, I mean, 
HUGE warehouse and I vowed whatever this building was, I was NEVER going into it!



Ha I watched it finish being built and realized it was a furniture store. Crap. I love furniture…”No, no Jade
you are not going in there. Remember the farm house.” Ok I am never going in there. Time passed and
ads were posted on their giant Jumbotron and each time we passed my oldest begged me from the
back seat to “PLEASE TAKE HER IN THERE!”


One night I gave in. I had been dying to go inside so I blamed it on my six year old and caved. When I
walked in I was skeptical at first but quickly realized just how addicted to this place I was going to be.
The place was huge and had really beautiful pieces. They had a giant stuffed animal tiger
for my daughter to sit on, and massage chairs for my husband and I to try out.



Read more…

Blogger Spotlight: Simply Sutter
Blogger Spotlight: Simply Sutter

Originally posted on February 16, 2017 - price and availability of particular products mentioned in this post may have changed.

Monic, the brains behind the Arizona-based personal style blog Simply Sutter, has a superb sense of style. She expertly blends clean and simple designs with just the right accents to create an effortlessly chic look both in her fashion and in her home.